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inside voice harvester
Irene Rose, Melbourne
27th February - 24th March, 2018
Press: Daily Lazy

strewn inside-voice harvest
strewn amongst ruins, inside voice, harvest
Response unit
Tone harvest
Voice harvest
Animals, minerals, vegetables; with ensnared and tacit approval witholding brazen smile, un-nuanced quality-unridden, fullness of mead, crosshatched fruit horn of Plentylife drawing.
staggered falsetto in a silent mind as to the thought of dinner table silence
The contents of a bountiful harvest are strewn in ruins and no words are spoken
inside voice harvester is a selection of works… imprecision, faltering or wavering control system, an intentionality, skill and interiority-self undulate, certain tonal, silent quality; strategem of control and essence of rejection, withholding or refrained, self-imposed limitations

inside voice harvester, installation view, 2018

Kate Meakin
Starry Night, 2018
Roll of jersey, deck chair, replica ‘Ghost Chair’, vintage brass lamp, plastic decoy ducks, LED fairy lights, antique lace

Kate Meakin
Starry Night (detail), 2018

Kate Meakin
Starry Night (detail), 2018

Kate Meakin
Starry Night (detail), 2018

Guy Church
The Great Outside World, 2017
Graphite on paper, 42 x 33cm

inside voice harvester, installation view, 2018

Rebecca Joseph
spectacle in 2 parts, 2018
Stoneware, metal

Tim Bučković
Hrvatski šahovski savez, 2018
Oil on linen, 41 x 25.5 cm

inside voice harvester, installation view, 2018

Liz Magic Laser
Mine, 2009
Single-channel video, 22 minutes. Produced with the Leonardo da Vinci surgical system
Liz Magic Laser
Mine (excerpt), 2009

Elizabeth Newman
Self-portrait, 2010
Found objects

Elizabeth Newman
1988, 2010
Found objects

inside voice harvester, installation view

Tim Bučković
surrounding situation with dancers, 2018
Graphite on butcher’s paper, 61 x 49cm

inside voice harvester, installation view

inside voice harvester, installation view

Victoria Todorov
Duck l’Orange, 2017
Polyresin duck, engraving, gouache, oil, dried pastel, acrylic paints

Michelle Uckotter
your only visitor, 2017
Oil pastel on panel

inside voice harvester, installation view

Victoria Todorov
They Prefer A Dunce Than Someone Who Make Moves, Make Us, 2017
Acrylic on canvas
Documentation courtesy of Reuben Bull-Milne
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